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*undergraduate student co-author
16. Bardou, R., M.J .Osland, S. Scyphers,… G. McClenachan et al. 2023. Rapidly Changing Range Limits in a Warming World: Critical Data Limitations and Knowledge Gaps for Advancing Understanding of Mangrove Range Dynamics in the Southeastern USA. Estuaries and Coasts.
15. McClenachan, G. and R.E. Turner. 2023. Disturbance legacies and shifting trajectories: Marsh soil strength and shoreline erosion a decade after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Environmental Pollution.
14. Zengel, S, J. Weaver, I.A. Mendelssohn, S.A. Graham, Q. Lin, M.W. Hester, J.M. Willis, B.R. Silliman, J.W. Fleeger, G. McClenachan, N.N. Rabalais, R.E. Turner, A.R. Hughes, J. Cebrian, D.R. Deis, N. Rutherford, B.J. Roberts 2022. Meta‐analysis of salt marsh vegetation impacts and recovery: a synthesis following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Ecological Applications.
13. McClenachan, G., M. Witt*, and, L. Walters. 2021. Replacement of oyster reefs by mangrove islands: unexpected climate-driven ecosystem shifts. Global Change Biology.
12. Walters, L. and G. McClenachan. 2021. Commentary on Osland et al.: Tropicalization of temperate ecosystems in North America: The northward range expansion of tropical organisms in response to warming winter temperatures. Global Change Biology.
11. Morris, R., M. La Peyre, B. Webb, D. Marshall, D. Bilkovic, J. Cebrian, G. McClenachan, K. Kibler, L. Walters, D. Bushek, E. Sparks, N. Temple, J. Moody, K. Angstadt, J. Goff, M. Boswell, P. Sacks, S. Swearer. 2021. Large-scale variation in wave attenuation of oyster reef living shorelines and the influence of inundation duration. Ecological Applications.
10. McClenachan, G., M. Donnelly, P. Sacks, M. Shaffer, and L. Walters. 2020. Does size matter?: Quantifying the cumulative impact of small-scale living shoreline and oyster reef restoration projects on shoreline erosion. Restoration Ecology.
9. Cannon D, K. Kibler, M. Donnelly, G. McClenachan, L. Walters, A. Roddenberry, J. Phagan*. 2020. Hydrodynamic habitat thresholds for mangrove vegetation on the shorelines of a microtidal estuarine lagoon. Ecological Engineering. 158: 106070.
8. Turner R.E., N.N. Rabalais, E.B. Overton, B.M. Meyer, G. McClenachan, E.M. Swenson, M. Besonen, M.L. Parsons, and J. Zingre. 2019. Oiling of the continental shelf and coastal marshes over eight years after the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Environmental Pollution. 252 (B): 1367-1376.
7. Morris, R., D. Bilkovic, M. Boswell, D. Bushek, J. Cebrian, J. Goff, K. Kibler, M. La Peyre, G. McClenachan, J. Moody, P. Sacks, J Shinn, E. Sparks, N. Temple, L.Walters, B. Webb, and S. Swearer. 2019. The application of oyster reefs in shoreline protection: are we over-engineering for an ecosystem engineer? Journal of Applied Ecology. 56(7): 1703-1711.
6. Turner, R.E. and G. McClenachan. 2018. Reversing wetland death from 35,000 cuts: Opportunities to restore Louisiana’s dredged canals. Plos One. 13(12), p. e0207717.
5. Turner, R.E., G. McClenachan, and A.W. Tweel. 2016. Islands in the oil: Quantifying salt marsh shoreline erosion after the Deepwater Horizon oiling. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 10(1): 316-232.
4. Hooper-Bui, L.M., N.N. Rabalais, A.S. Engel, R.E. Turner, G. McClenachan, B. Roberts, E.B. Overton, D. Justic, K. Sturdivant, K. Brown, and J. Conover. 2014. Key insights into the coastal effects of the Macondo Blowout from the Coastal Waters Consortium: A GoMRI Consortium. International Oil Spill Conference, Savannah, Georgia, 5-8 May, 2014 (1): 604-617.
3. Turner, R.E., E.B. Overton, B.M. Ashton, M.S. Miles, G. McClenachan, L. Hooper-Bui, A. Summer Engel, E.M. Swenson, J.M. Lee, C.S. Milan, and H. Gao. 2014. Distribution and recovery trajectory of Macondo (Mississippi Canyon 252) oil in Louisiana salt marshes. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 87(1-2): 57-67.
2. McClenachan, G., R.E. Turner, and A.W. Tweel. 2013. Effects of oil on the rate and trajectory of Louisiana marsh shoreline erosion. Environmental Research Letters. 8(4): 044030.
1. Kapur, A., C. Baldwin, M. Swanson, N. Wilberforce, G. McClenachan, and M. Rentschler. 2012. Comparative life cycle assessment of conventional and Green Seal-compliant industrial and institutional cleaning products. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. 17(4): 377-387.
*undergraduate student co-author
16. Bardou, R., M.J .Osland, S. Scyphers,… G. McClenachan et al. 2023. Rapidly Changing Range Limits in a Warming World: Critical Data Limitations and Knowledge Gaps for Advancing Understanding of Mangrove Range Dynamics in the Southeastern USA. Estuaries and Coasts.
15. McClenachan, G. and R.E. Turner. 2023. Disturbance legacies and shifting trajectories: Marsh soil strength and shoreline erosion a decade after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Environmental Pollution.
14. Zengel, S, J. Weaver, I.A. Mendelssohn, S.A. Graham, Q. Lin, M.W. Hester, J.M. Willis, B.R. Silliman, J.W. Fleeger, G. McClenachan, N.N. Rabalais, R.E. Turner, A.R. Hughes, J. Cebrian, D.R. Deis, N. Rutherford, B.J. Roberts 2022. Meta‐analysis of salt marsh vegetation impacts and recovery: a synthesis following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Ecological Applications.
13. McClenachan, G., M. Witt*, and, L. Walters. 2021. Replacement of oyster reefs by mangrove islands: unexpected climate-driven ecosystem shifts. Global Change Biology.
12. Walters, L. and G. McClenachan. 2021. Commentary on Osland et al.: Tropicalization of temperate ecosystems in North America: The northward range expansion of tropical organisms in response to warming winter temperatures. Global Change Biology.
11. Morris, R., M. La Peyre, B. Webb, D. Marshall, D. Bilkovic, J. Cebrian, G. McClenachan, K. Kibler, L. Walters, D. Bushek, E. Sparks, N. Temple, J. Moody, K. Angstadt, J. Goff, M. Boswell, P. Sacks, S. Swearer. 2021. Large-scale variation in wave attenuation of oyster reef living shorelines and the influence of inundation duration. Ecological Applications.
10. McClenachan, G., M. Donnelly, P. Sacks, M. Shaffer, and L. Walters. 2020. Does size matter?: Quantifying the cumulative impact of small-scale living shoreline and oyster reef restoration projects on shoreline erosion. Restoration Ecology.
9. Cannon D, K. Kibler, M. Donnelly, G. McClenachan, L. Walters, A. Roddenberry, J. Phagan*. 2020. Hydrodynamic habitat thresholds for mangrove vegetation on the shorelines of a microtidal estuarine lagoon. Ecological Engineering. 158: 106070.
8. Turner R.E., N.N. Rabalais, E.B. Overton, B.M. Meyer, G. McClenachan, E.M. Swenson, M. Besonen, M.L. Parsons, and J. Zingre. 2019. Oiling of the continental shelf and coastal marshes over eight years after the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Environmental Pollution. 252 (B): 1367-1376.
7. Morris, R., D. Bilkovic, M. Boswell, D. Bushek, J. Cebrian, J. Goff, K. Kibler, M. La Peyre, G. McClenachan, J. Moody, P. Sacks, J Shinn, E. Sparks, N. Temple, L.Walters, B. Webb, and S. Swearer. 2019. The application of oyster reefs in shoreline protection: are we over-engineering for an ecosystem engineer? Journal of Applied Ecology. 56(7): 1703-1711.
6. Turner, R.E. and G. McClenachan. 2018. Reversing wetland death from 35,000 cuts: Opportunities to restore Louisiana’s dredged canals. Plos One. 13(12), p. e0207717.
5. Turner, R.E., G. McClenachan, and A.W. Tweel. 2016. Islands in the oil: Quantifying salt marsh shoreline erosion after the Deepwater Horizon oiling. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 10(1): 316-232.
4. Hooper-Bui, L.M., N.N. Rabalais, A.S. Engel, R.E. Turner, G. McClenachan, B. Roberts, E.B. Overton, D. Justic, K. Sturdivant, K. Brown, and J. Conover. 2014. Key insights into the coastal effects of the Macondo Blowout from the Coastal Waters Consortium: A GoMRI Consortium. International Oil Spill Conference, Savannah, Georgia, 5-8 May, 2014 (1): 604-617.
3. Turner, R.E., E.B. Overton, B.M. Ashton, M.S. Miles, G. McClenachan, L. Hooper-Bui, A. Summer Engel, E.M. Swenson, J.M. Lee, C.S. Milan, and H. Gao. 2014. Distribution and recovery trajectory of Macondo (Mississippi Canyon 252) oil in Louisiana salt marshes. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 87(1-2): 57-67.
2. McClenachan, G., R.E. Turner, and A.W. Tweel. 2013. Effects of oil on the rate and trajectory of Louisiana marsh shoreline erosion. Environmental Research Letters. 8(4): 044030.
1. Kapur, A., C. Baldwin, M. Swanson, N. Wilberforce, G. McClenachan, and M. Rentschler. 2012. Comparative life cycle assessment of conventional and Green Seal-compliant industrial and institutional cleaning products. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. 17(4): 377-387.